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Thursday, August 27, 2009

It's official now! Maemo is not for Tablets anymore - new smartphone platform from Nokia

Yeah, Nokia is officially announcing and embracing Linux as smartphone platform. I am more than happy to know that mainly because I love Linux.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

N900 - new Tablet (not only) new Phone too!

Nokia is going to present a new Tablet device at Nokia World 2009 next week.

Here is the new N900 (a.k.a) RX-51

Nokia Booklet 3G - first video

Nokia Booklet 3G in a

Nokia unveils its first Netbook - Nokia Booklet 3G

Yes, the promise by OPK has turned real. Nokia has presented its first netbook computer - Nokia Booklet 3G.

Yes, it has Windows. So the deal between Microsoft and Nokia to take Office and Sharepoint to Symbian makes sense, Nokia is shipping Windows on Booklet 3G.

Good deals!

Here is the press release

Also from Nokia Conversations

Note that Nokia World is happening next week and we have a new Tablet coming as well :-D

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Nokia Developer Summit 2009

Hi all,

Nokia Developer Summit 2009 has been a great success and I have been there, so here are some cool photos of the amazing event.

I have met old friends again and also new good guys. Of course, as always, I have learnt a lot!

Event stuff is online now -

Dreaming about the next Nokia Champion event yet this year...


Thursday, April 09, 2009

Time to learn, meet old friends and new people!

In a couple of weeks I will be in Europe attending the first ever Nokia Developer Summit, then in a month it will be time to go to California again for the JavaOne Conference...busy days! :-D

Where will YOU be June 2?

Please drop me a note if you are also getting ready to attend these events so we can meet!
